Problem-based Learning

Learning Issue

Issues and challenges in integrating ICT in teaching and learning in our Malaysian schools.
·     Teacher lack of ICT-related knowledge and lack of skills of using ICT
·     Teacher did not completely used ICT in their teaching.

·     Maintenance less effective
·     A lot of broken equipment
·     Staff not enough at rural area
·     Equipment not enough.

·     Student not interest

·        What the skills that teachers must improve on their  knowledge?
·        What factors that contribute the successful integration of ICT?
·        What is the way of teachers to improve their skills in ICT?

·        Why equipment not enough?
·        What happen to the student when a lot of equipment broken?
·        Why maintenance less effective?
·        Why technician  not enough in rural area.

·        Why student not interest in learning ICT?
·        What is the effort of parents to enhance their children in learning ICT?

·         Technology literacy, knowledge deepening, knowledge creation.
·         Successful depend on ability of teacher.
·         Teachers must attend the course to improve their skills in ICT every weekend.

·         A lot of school in Malaysia
·         All student can’t use technology in learning, feel uncomfortable.
·         Maintenance not follow the schedule, lack of expert to handle the maintenance
·         Technician refuse to work at rural area

·         Weak in English proficiency among student
·         Parent provide facilitative to access internet at home

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